Join the team to defend and expand school choice in Colorado.

As politicians work to defeat measures that empower parents, students, and teachers to set the direction of their own educational future, Ready Colorado is on the front lines.

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Ready Colorado's Core Principles

The touchstone of our education system must be parent choice. No one system of schooling should have a monopoly over opportunity. Parents should have the ability to send their kids to the school that will help their children thrive, regardless of type—public, private, charter, traditional, magnet, virtual, or home school.

The education system needs to focus more attention on the needs of students and families; and less on the needs of the system itself. Learning loss due to closed schools has been profound and we need to prioritize helping all kids get back on track in reading, writing, and math.

Colorado’s education system should be accountable to parents and taxpayers.

Teachers, schools, and districts must be held accountable for student performance outcomes. Parents are the backbone of our education system, but our education system shuts their voices out in favor of the opinions of central office bureaucrats and teachers’ union bosses.

True parent choice requires meaningful, comparable information about school districts, schools, and teachers. In the absence of good information about teachers and schools, school choice is just a guessing game for parents. A fair and easy-to-understand school ratings system based on a statewide assessment is necessary for informed school choice.
