Ready Colorado commissioned a poll by Cygnal to measure where Colorado voters stand on important educational issues. Here is a brief summary of the results:

• Support for education choice and reform is incredibly strong.
• The country is headed way off on the wrong track (WT+43); Democrats are the only group with a positive
outlook on the country (RD+4).
• Coloradans believe the state is slightly on the wrong track (WT +1, RD +8 in 2019); UAFs say WT +9.
• When it comes to top issue for the state government, ending COVID and returning to normal is by far the
most popular choice (23%).
• Jared Polis is favorable in the eyes of voters (+1 net fav since 2019), and Michael Bennet is slightly favorable
(+3 net fav), yet 29% have NO/NHO him. President Biden is struggling at -14 net fav.
• CO state legislature (-3 net fav) has dropped 10 points in net favorability since 2019, while teachers’ unions
(-1 net fav) show the biggest drop in favorability at -23 net fav since 2019. Charter schools (+29 net fav)
have improved +6 net fav since 2019. Local school boards are underwater at -16 net fav.
• A plurality of voters believe students are underfunded, and 61% believe teachers are underpaid.
• 79% of voters think the CO government should better prioritize funding to increase education funding,
while 13% believe in raising taxes to increase the funding.
• Charter schools have nearly a 3:1 favorable image (58%-21%) among all voters, including a 4:1 favorable
image among parents (64%-16%).
• 76% of voters believe parents should have at least some say in what their child’s school teaches.
