Apr 12, 2022 | Opinion Editorials
Since 2017, I have had the privilege of spending time listening and learning from parents, students, and educators in Adams 14 school district, based in Commerce City. I have heard the stories of struggle, determination and broken promises. I’ll never forget parents...
Jan 26, 2022 | Opinion Editorials
This piece was also co-written by Derrell Bradford, President of 50CAN. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began as a shock to our lives in 2020 and continues to affect everything we do as a nation, changed the fabric and rituals of daily life across this country. Nowhere...
Jan 16, 2022 | Opinion Editorials
We’ve failed our children for far too long. The numbers are so astonishing it’s hard to even process what this means for our students and our society as a whole. Statewide, over three quarters (76%) of sixth graders are behind grade level in math. Over 60% of third...