Ready Colorado commissioned a poll by Cygnal to measure where Colorado voters stand on important educational issues. Here is a brief summary of the results:
- A majority (55%) of parents believe public education is on the wrong track.
- Charter schools retained a strong 3:1 positive image. After being read a description of charter schools, their image was strong at 61% favorable to 21% unfavorable (+2 net fav since 2022).
- Equal funding for all charter schools saw even greater support, with 65% supporting to 15% opposing.
- The poll found broad public support for a number of reform-minded policies, including a constitutional amendment to guarantee every child the right to school choice (68% support), addressing declining math scores with new investments in math instruction and after-school programming (74% support), and Education Savings Accounts for students with special needs (67% support).
- 78% of voters think the Colorado government should better prioritize funding to increase education funding, while just 13% believe in raising taxes to increase the funding.
- 65% of voters believe teachers are underpaid (+5 net since 2022).
- Voters said that homelessness – at 17% – was the top issue that the state legislature should address, rising from 9% that said so in January 2022 and 5% in December 2019. Crime and government spending and taxes were tied for second, each at 13%, followed by public education at 12%.
- Governor Polis remains favorable according to voters (+9 net fav since 2019). President Biden remains less favorable (-3 net fav). The Colorado State Legislature is seen as favorable (+7 net fav since 2022).